Sunday 31 October 2010

Preliminary task: First cover + contents

These are first drafts of my preliminary task. I took into account what i found out from my research and made this cover and contents.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Image Shot Analysis.

On this post I have analysed different shot types, to give the advantages and disadvantages of them. This will then help me decide the type of shot I can use for my cover image on my final magazine cover.

This is a medium long shot that could be used on the front of a magazine. It shows the majority of her body, with not as much detail as if it was a close up. Because she is smiling this would give a positive vibe to the reader, also she is making eye contact with the camera, this is then giving direct contact with the reader. To improve the image it could be a medium close up, instead of a medium long shot then you could see more detail in her face and expression.

This is an over the shoulder, medium close up shot. An over the shoulder shot shows the image from the persons perspective. The background of the image is blurred, and focuses on the artist making her the main focus of the page and the first and only thing the reader looks at, the image also portrays a positive atmosphere by her facial expression. However she is not making eye contact and you can not see her full face this could be seen as a negative, but on the other hand it could show her confidence by not needing a close up of her for people to recognise who she is.

This is a close up shot, meaning that it doesn't show anything lower than the neck, it shows more detail and expression in her face than if it was a long shot. The image give a positive vibe as there's a lot of light on the image and she looks happy to be there, because of this, this image would make a good cover shot. To improve to image she could make eye contact, this would make the reader feel more connected.


Monday 18 October 2010

Preliminary Task: School Magazine Analysis

As part of the preliminary task, I analysed 3 different school magazine covers and 2 contents pages in order to get ideas/inspiration for my own school magazine.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Front Cover Surveys

I asked 10 of my target market which their favorite magazine cover was and why, I did this to get inspiration for my own magazine and find out what my target market liked and disliked.