These are my final products, after getting feedback I found that the backgrounds were to bland and a stock colour so I changed it to a gradient so it was more appealing to the eye. I also made the font smaller on the double page spread and added far more text to make it look more authentic. Also to make it more authentic I added more images to the contents page and added page numbers to both the contents and the double page spread.
This is my new double page, from the last draft, I changed the overall colour scheme to black as I thought it made more of an impact to the page, I also put the writing in columns to make it look more conventional.
Before completing my evaluation, I had feedback for my products and from this I've improved my products; I have added more features to the magazine also made the page look more full.
Today I begun to write up the evaluation for my contents, front cover and double page spread, this involves numerous question evaluating aspect of the three projects as well as discussing techniques I've used and how I've improved since the preliminary task.